Vancouver 2024
Every step matters
The half marathon has been overshadowed by the full marathon for far too long, reduced to a stepping stone for longer distances.
A hierarchy so normalized that it is commonly passed off as ‘just the half’.
It’s time to change the story.
Introducing ‘Just the Half’ - where every step tells a story, every journey is celebrated, and every distance is a challenge in its own right.
We’ve brought six people together, each pushing boundaries in their own lanes.
These six changemakers never thought they’d run a race.
Their challenge? The Vancouver half marathon.
On May 5, this group of six will set off on a run to show that the half marathon is more than a “just” or an “only.” It is a victory, a statement to say with pride.
Meet the Changemakers
Meet the people from our community who are gearing up for their first half marathon, using our run health services to ensure they cross the finish line feeling great and injury-free.
Meet Rhek, a kid from the east coast of Canada who wears many hats. He's dipped his toes into graphics, art, DJing, entrepreneurship, and even runs a restaurant. Rhek hustles hard, preferring not to give all his time and energy to someone else's dreams. While he respects those who do, he's carving out his own path, currently lacing up for a 21.1 km challenge.
In 2013, Vicki swapped Lethbridge for Vancouver to chase her fashion dreams, and she stuck around for career ambitions. Since then, she's dabbled in various fashion gigs, from retail to styling, even taking on wholesale. Now, her next goal is running the half marathon.
Anna, passionate about design, fashion, and interiors, joked she’d only run if chased but is now training for a half marathon, flipping the script. As she takes on this new adventure, her loyal dog Remy is with her, ready for every step.
Giuseppe, a soccer enthusiast and former pattern maker from Italy, is lacing up for a one-time half marathon challenge, blending precision with endurance. His favourite matches? Those watched with his number one fan, his daughter Gabriella.
Rico is a Vancouver-native DJ and cultural producer with a strong presence in both the city’s biggest nightclubs and its underground events. He’s the man behind Ruts Worldwide, famed for its epic RUTS Wednesday parties and also Reggae Sundays, Canada’s longest-running dancehall weekly. You can catch him on Friday nights at Vancouver’s Fortune Sound Club, or training for his first half marathon.
Meet Daniel, the co-founder and owner of HAVEN, a premium menswear and streetwear retailer. While he's mainly focused on operations, he dedicates much of his time to shaping the in-house Haven apparel brand, pushing the boundaries of Canadian fashion. And when he's not at work, you'll find him lacing up his running shoes, clocking kilometers during his solo time.
Our event calendar
We’ve got a bunch of events lined up for Vancouver Marathon week.
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